Who Doesn't Love Goat Babies!?

If you are one of the many new goat owners that are now struggling with how to care for your new baby, I'm here to help!

When we purchased our goats, we were totally clueless. To the point that we had no idea that one of our goats was full of worms before we even brought him home!

Hindsight is 20/20 and we should have known then, but we didn't. And our lack of knowledge cost us a our first baby.

Since then, it has been my mission to learn everything that I could about these animals. And after several years of owning goats. I figured out how to care for these animals.

Of course, you will never learn everything and that's okay. But to get the basics down pat is always the goal.

Since it is baby season for most of us, I figured I would offer my best selling course! This course goes over the basics of goat care; feeding, shelter, fencing, trimming hooves, FAMACHA scoring and more!

This course is on sale now for $47! It has 24 lessons and 4 videos all about caring for your new little one... Or big one.

Happy Goating!

Welcome To Steel Raven Farms

My name is Leigh and I am the lead chaos creator here on Steel Raven Farms. We blog about homesteading, goating, gardening, cooking and ways to make life a little easier in the slow lane.

Read more from Welcome To Steel Raven Farms
shallow focus photography of two white hens

Hey guys! I just wanted to check in and see how ya'lls August is going! I know a lot of people have kids back in school, the garden is wild and canning/ preservation season is chugging right along. Life is crazy and the blessing of overabundance may not seem much like a blessing. Trust me when I say, we are right there with you! I don't know how it's been in other parts of the country, but we had about 6wks of drought followed by about 3wks of straight rain. My tomatoes are toast. We tried to...

Hey y'all, As I was getting to work in the greenhouse today, I was feeling inspired by a bunch of volunteer tomatoes in my soil. We are talking about 50 volunteer tomatoes. * I may have grabbed soil from an old tomato bed....ooops* Anyways, I wanted to share the bounty with you guys! I can't send everyone tiny baby tomato plants because the shipping alone would probably cripple us. BUT I can give you guys half off my entire store! **I need to add that this sale is only on my convert kit store...

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