It's tax time....

If you have a business you know how difficult tax time can be. Gathering up receipts, grabbing your calculator and praying you don't miss anything.

But 3 years ago I created our Schedule F and Schedule C trackers to help ease the burden of tax time. They have only gotten better over the years!

This year, it only took me 2 hours to get a year's worth of farm income and expenses into our schedule F and another hour to get all of the business expenses into our schedule C.

That's all it took to get both of our business handled.

Now, I am a lazy business owner. I'm usually playing with the goats..... Rarely, if ever, do I do monthly expenses. It's something I'm working on this year. I've already failed but I'm still trying.

If you would like to purchase our Schedule F or C trackers you can click the links below.

Schedule F Tracker

Schedule C Tracker

If you would like to catch our video on how they work and how amazing they are, you can check out the videos linked below.

Schedule F Video

Schedule C Video

Welcome To Steel Raven Farms

My name is Leigh and I am the lead chaos creator here on Steel Raven Farms. We blog about homesteading, goating, gardening, cooking and ways to make life a little easier in the slow lane.

Read more from Welcome To Steel Raven Farms
shallow focus photography of two white hens

Hey guys! I just wanted to check in and see how ya'lls August is going! I know a lot of people have kids back in school, the garden is wild and canning/ preservation season is chugging right along. Life is crazy and the blessing of overabundance may not seem much like a blessing. Trust me when I say, we are right there with you! I don't know how it's been in other parts of the country, but we had about 6wks of drought followed by about 3wks of straight rain. My tomatoes are toast. We tried to...

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